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Nail The Mix September 2017

Learn to mix with Meshuggah’s “Future Breed Machine” with Daniel Bergstrand! Join us for a full day of INSANE mixing education!

Things you’ll learn:

  • How to mix a metal track on a console board
  • Daniel’s exact approach to getting aggressive outside the box
  • Using drum bleed to your advantage
  • and so much more


If you want to watch Daniel Bergstrand mix this song from scratch and instantly unlock your mixing potential, click Buy Now.

91 thoughts on “Nail The Mix September 2017

  1. Super stoked on more Meshuggah! Does this mean the livestream mix and competition for One Eyed Nation is no longer happening? I guess I can’t really complain either way! 🙂

    1. Hello Deyson,

      That is correct, the contest song has changed 🙂

  2. So, I got an email saying “this month on Nail The Mix: Meshuggah!” and I was confused because I thought this month was Decapitated (not that it matters cause I’m not currently subscribed to NTM). So I came here out of curiosity and sure enough, Decapitated was replaced with Meshuggah; however, I did notice it’s still the same producer/engineer. So, what’s up with that?
    Also, I noticed that I was able to open the session even though I’m not currently subscribed; not sure if you guys meant to do that or not, but I thought you should know.

    1. Thanks for letting us know, but the page shouldn’t let you be able to download the content without purchasing 🙂

    2. Same producer because decap is running through legal accusations.

    3. 4 Decapitated members were arrested for kidnapping and rape. So that’s why.

  3. Why not Decapitated? I was so looking forward to it …

    1. I understand Dirk, but we had a change of plans due to some unforeseen things.

      1. I guess it´s because of their accusation of rape?

          1. Too bad! Would have been deeply interesting how Daniel Bergstrand is handling these many different guitar tracks.

        1. Dirk I’m pretty sure all of the different guitar tracks for Decapitated were just different re-amps for the person mixing to choose the pair they like best. I could be wrong though

  4. can we still have the decapitated files for “practice”?

      1. Same question as Marcos. Is it still possible to get Decapitated files for “practice”? Didn´t get to download them before it was changed to Meshuggah

  5. Bit of a shame but I understand. Was really excited about my Decap mix… but nevermind! aha

  6. URM just turned my crap day into a fantastic day. Thanks for this.

  7. I can’t help but feel nervous even opening these files, so much love for this song and album and band. oh man, I hope I don’t blow it, ha.

  8. Hey there, is the deadline for submitting going to change or is it still on the 24th?

    1. The mixes are due at the same time 🙂

  9. Hi, I have a problem with the SMTP wave. I have only a noise like “bliblibli” all along the track

    1. It sounds like something the engineer had to work with when they were working with the original setup – if you have access to the FB group and chats you can talk with others and compare the files if you wish. If you have any other issues please reach out to us at support.

      1. Yes, I saw later that SMTP is if we have a tape machine. Sorry

    2. That’s what SMPTE time code is 🙂 It’s meant to be read by tape machines or consoles, not supposed to be a part of the actual song

  10. Although One Eyed Nation was a pretty awesome song, I am so frigging stoked to work on one of the coolest metal tracks of all time. Also pretty sweet to get two songs in one month: more practice, more better \../,

  11. Michael Kraxenberger

    damn… I was so proud of my decapitated mix :/

  12. i was struggling like fuck with the decapitated mix so can’t say i’m not pleased to have this to mix instead. still a challenge but hopefully i can revisit decapitated in a few months /years and nail the fuckin mix. oh yeah baby

    1. I’m in the same boat. Bummed I can’t see him live mix it but at least we have the files forever to keep trying on down the line!

  13. Watch me combine the stems from both of this month’s songs into an incoherent mess.

    1. Wow. That would be insane

  14. Dudes guitar tracks on decap. Are so tight its inspiring… so many damn mics… but every guitar track sounded exact to the timing of the other…

    Also was.having a bitch with the track…hopefully ,but not likely, this Shugga Track will be more drag drop and get to mixing friendly.

    1. they were multi mic’d not seperate takes

  15. Are those seriously only 23 tracks or am I missing a download?

    1. Hello Michael,

      There is a chance file names are imprecise, please try to download it again to compare. If you are having issues if you compare the files to anyone else – please reach out to support at so we can have a support technician help you out 🙂

      1. Were the samples included in the download?

        1. Hello Marshall,

          You mean the samples the producer used on the album? I do not believe so – but it’s been a while since I’ve looked at this session. All the available files that were provided should be in the package when you download so check it out!

    2. Nah that’s right. No room mics or anything for drums other than close and overheads, 2 guitar files with one lead, vocal tracks, and the 2 clean guitar files. that’s it.

  16. Hope everyone’s having fun with the SMPT track.

  17. This is my first month/mix in NTM. Everything looks great, but I wish we didn’t have all tracks already so compressed and kind of premixed. I understand this stuff is recorded in professional studios with great gear already going on since the recording, but I feel we’re having it a bit too easy hahaha.

    1. Hi Simon,

      Just remember this before the final mix goes to the process of being a final mix – back in the day when they processed the stems from a board you’re going to feel the on-board EQ, compression and analog vibe from the exports. This is something you can’t really undo after printing so we’re working with the same starting point as the person who mixed it 🙂

  18. Is there anyway I could get access to the original Decapitated stems? I hadn’t had the chance to download in time 🙁

    1. Hi John,

      Just hit up support 🙂

  19. Hey, I’m really not cool with being charged twice for one month. A little moreforewarning would have been cool. Also now we have way less time to mix our submissions… I’m honestly not very happy with this.

    1. Not sure if this is isolated to a few members or not? I had multiple charges in September as well. I am waiting to hear from Customer Service.

      1. Eyal helped sort it out. URM = good guys.

  20. Is there I can get a refund for this? I don’t understand how you can charge twice in once month, change the song, and have the same date for the submission deadline… I don’t understand how you thought this was an okay way to about things.

  21. I’m sure it was crazy trying to get a new song together so quick. Thanks guys.

  22. where i post my mix to be part of the mix competition ?

    1. Look the “Mix Poll Submission Rules” over the Schedule. I was missing it too

  23. Hi. Im new to this site, is there a way for me to view the Q&A anymore? The link takes me to a page that just says its ended.


    1. Hello Shay,

      It looks like because of issues we actually did the Q&A over on Facebook. If you go to our URM Private Producer club and search for it, you’ll be able to find it 🙂

      1. Do i have to have enhanced membership to access it now then?

  24. This is my first time here… i have to do a little master to the mix? Or just the Mix?

    1. All of the above. You can even add your own sounds if you want. No rules really.

  25. Dude this is the most epic set youve given. One of my all time favorite songs and was a pleasure to mix.

  26. How do I submit my mix to the competition?

    1. Hello Jakob,

      You need to e-mail [email protected] with the subject FUTURE BREED MACHINE and your mix attached as an MP3.

  27. Nicolai Ryen Christiansen

    New here. How to upload a mix.

    1. Submit it to [email protected] with the subject FUTURE BREED MACHINE with the file attached as a MP3

      1. but a MASTERING its needed ? haha

  28. can someone let me know how we go about submitting the mixes please?

    1. Hello,

      The rules to submit are on this page,

      “Mix Poll Submission Rules

      Here’s the good part. Let’s see where you stand against your peers. Submit your finished mix (in an Email with attached MP3 file) to [email protected] with a subject line of “FUTURE BREED MACHINE” no later than SUN, SEPT 24 at 11:59pm EST. Please note: Only MP3 files submitted as attachments will be accepted. External links and WAVS will be immediately rejected.”

  29. I didn’t receive a confirmation for my submission last night, I did accidentally put ‘Meshuggah’ in the subject instead of ‘Future Breed Machine’ does that mean its too late?

    1. You should of just gotten a reply 🙂

  30. Steinar Engedahl Rossing

    Hi! New to the URM family – are the QNA session videos live stream only – or will they become available for on-demand viewing at any point?

    1. I’ll try to see if we can figure something out!

      1. Would love to know this too! Missed Daniel Bergstrands QnA, but I can go back and watch John Brownes for example.

      2. Any news about the QnA?

  31. So the mixing poll will begin today? For now, Mixing Poll Status is still visible as “Start Mixing!”, however the deadline was on Sunday. It’s my first month, so I’m making sure I understand what’s going on 🙂

    1. I second this I’m not sure where to go and vote

      1. The mix poll should be up before the end of the day today.

  32. Efthimios Dimitrakopoulos

    Were is the mixing poll?

    1. The mix poll should be up before the end of the day today.

  33. Hey first timer here!

    Is this mixing session going to be available to watch after the live stream?

    1. Absolutely – the videos are VOD and can be rewatched about 12 hours after the event.

  34. I can’t see the mixing poll and don’t have access to Facebook right now, so please announce in the page any notice regarding this issue, thank you!

  35. Can’t see the mixing poll.

  36. Where is the mixing poll?

    1. It’s probably just late. I’ve never seen it a whole day late but they must have their hands full with having to listen to so many in a shorter amount of time.

      1. This is exactly what happened! There is also a slight delay because of the guys being in Sweden. The mix poll should be up before the end of the day today.

  37. No mixing poll yet?

    1. The mix poll should be up before the end of the day today.

      1. Finally some info!, thank you man

  38. it’s the last day of the voting poll and the poll still isn’t up, what’s going on?

  39. Live mix still on for tonight then?

  40. I know this was from a few months ago, but is the QA for this still available? I get an error when clicking on the link.

  41. Diego Alessandro Minach

    Hi, I just downloaded this session a few days ago, where can I get the printed SNARE track that Daniel made during the mix? Thanks!

  42. QNA vid: error :/

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