1 | How To Get The Most Out Of Your Fast Track

First off, if you’re a member of URM Enhanced or Starter, please bring questions about this Fast Track (or any other audio question) to our monthly QNA Chat. If you’re a member of URM Enhanced you can also book a One on One session and ask there.

You can also post questions in the Private Producer’s Club.

Here’s how to get the most out of this fast track:

  1. Download the assignments – click here
  2. Take it slow – This Fast Track is a skill builder and it will take time. You should not move onto the next assignment until you’ve really incorporated the previous one into your musical output. Some of these assignments may take a night, some may take a week. Resist the urge to jump ahead. 
  3. Make it real – None of this works unless you use it. Put the assignments into real world scenarios as soon as possible. Drill them. 

It should take you anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months to get through this Fast Track. You could get through it in one night, but that won’t do you as much good as taking it slow and incorporating each concept into your workflow.

Here’s a video showing you how to use the Fast Track interface…