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Nail the Mix August 2018 – Lamb Of God

Mix along with Machine as he mixes Lamb of God’s “Redneck”, listen to the mix result below:

Things you’ll learn:

  • coming soon


  • coming soon

If you want to watch Machine mix this song from scratch and instantly unlock your mixing potential, click Buy Now.

31 thoughts on “Nail the Mix August 2018 – Lamb Of God


    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LY SHIT !!!!!!!! This is beautiful!!! thanks guys, love you!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  2. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh hell yeah. Love this jam.

  4. Another double month? and it’s freakin lamb of god ? I’ll take that as an early birthday present πŸ˜€ so great!

  5. Marcus KΓΆlkvist

    Hm weird Got this error when trying to download the Europe file πŸ™
    AccessDeniedAccess DeniedC2B7058833231A2833ezxrooAqV4PeR209e4hCG5BsXtSA0AJYt2JR+unJrmZH+hpsi7egUDLnh4J1EgNhJWH3NYJmI=

  6. aweeee yeeeee!!! For some odd reason it wont let me download yet. Anyone else having trouble?!

  7. Vagelis Chamilothoris

    Same error too!

  8. Vagelis Chamilothoris

    Now is fine!

  9. I remember from watching the WWMIH DVD that Machine sent Randy running around the building then straight to do vocals for an end of set, exhausted feel! I am so excited for this session! Thanks URM and Machine!

    1. That was without a doubt one of my favorite parts of that DVD.

  10. Now is good!

  11. Getting stuck in now.

    Heads up for Logic people, the midi map that comes in the zip download seems to be working okay. The extra one under ‘How to Import Midi and Tempo Into Logic’ doesn’t.

    1. Logic just requires you to import the midi file and then it asks if you want to import the tempo along with it. Easy Peesy Japaneezy.

  12. yes yes yes πŸ˜‰

  13. Holy shit yes. This was the first LoG song I ever heard back in middle school, been hooked since. So excited.

  14. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY HEART!!!…i Almost Die…first lamb of god song, and it’s the best one for me! Holly ssssssshhh!!!! awesome guys! thanks u so much!!

  15. My favourite Lamb of God song, this will be fun!

  16. hell yeah this will be fun.

  17. WWWWWWWWWWWWWTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFF…………. MACHINE MIXING REDNECK!???? O________OOOOO… My heart skipped a hundreat beats, now it’s beating triplets to make it up….. WOW, I’m even more excited then when you did BMTH. Wow guyz. I’m 100% in on this one!

    1. And holy shit! Machine is my favorte producer in the whole white world!!!!

  18. Is this a motherfucking invitation to mix one of the best metal songs of a generation?

  19. The bass track only runs to the 2nd verse on the files i have. anyone else had this problem??

  20. having trouble downloading. gets about halfway thru and then it stops. when i try to restart it I get a message that says I don’t have permission to access the files. any ideas?

  21. First month with Nail the Mix… and I get LAMB OF GOD?! Incredible. I cant wait to get my mixing teeth into this!

  22. These are rad. The clean guitar tracks are going to be fun to play with.

  23. Why is the final mix not downloadable? I mean… it is kinda useless to listen to it here in the browser only. If I use the mastered CD version in the DAW, I am referencing my mix to a mastered song… If it’s not a problem making the final mix listenable here, it should also be no problem putting it into the folder along the other tracks, so we have a decent reference. Thanks and Best Regards!

    1. Unstoppable Recording Machine

      The reason why the final mix is not downloadable is because music is intellectual property and we do not have the right to redistribute that property to others. We only have a right to educate with the original unmixed tracks. It actually is not useless to listen in the browser. Anyone listening in the browser can very quickly hear the mix objectively. Anyone trying to use a browser to listen to a “mastered CD version in the DAW” is simply looking for clues in all the wrong places. The mix being great isn’t about having super high fidelity and matching your bit depths to extreme measures. It’s about getting the balance of the elements correct, and making the vibe work in context of the song. Anyone analyzing deeper is missing the bigger picture.

  24. Can someone possibly direct me to the part where anyone talks anything about editing, eq’ing or mixing any of the guitars. The only thing I saw him do was group them together and send them to a bus…

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